10. At least he knows where his congregation is.
9. But wait! Look closer. He has Jesus feet! Does this make any sense to anyone? I understand he is holding some sort of bag and is walking, but why did Jesus possess his feet?
8. The way it should be. I can't stand your whinny screaming snot nosed kids running around all over the place. My dog, on the other hand, is well behaved.
7. I've worked in a museum. They need this one.
Museum of SeX, NYC
6. Nevermind the lawsuit, your left arm is too fatty for the tigers and might upset their stomachs.
5. I would never operate a machine whose inventors felt this sticker was necessary. How many times has this happened? They never found a cause? Gee.. I have an idea, lets make more of this wonderful vehicle and sell them to people.
4. Malicious threats are often easier and more effective than calling a tow truck to get people out of your space. This sign resides in my parking lot.
3. Maybe they are just trying to prevent heart attacks or maybe the sign should read strange owner instead.
2. A steep penalty makes this my number 2 most ridiculous sign.
1. Thats not very good advice.