Now you have the chance to choose from Europe’s top players as the final tournament edition of McDonald’s Fantasy Football kicks off on 30 May.
Already, over 100,000 teams have battled it out in the friendly version of the game. So whether you have been getting used to the game or are a newcomer, the time has come for the real thing. Which players can lead you to glory???Think it!!!
You could win a JVC Home Cinema system, Canon cameras, adidas team jerseys, adidas EUROPASS official balls or official EA Sport computer games.
You can choose whether Create new league or join a private league....
Below are the code to join this private league.Simply enter it in the box and click on join league..
Euro Heroes =61252-11445
Euro McDonald =140932-25367
Piala Pussy..=278160-42698
Need help or more information about McDonald's Fantasy Football clickhere.