A true story from the Japanese Embassy in US:
>Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training
>before he visits Washington and meets with president Bill Clinton.
>The instructor told Mori "Prime Minister, when you shake hand with
>President Clinton, please say 'how are you'.
>Then Mr Clinton should say, "I am fine, and you?"
>Now you should say 'me too'.
>Afterwards we, translators, will do all the work for you."
>It looks quite simple, but the truth is....
>When Mori met Clinton, he mistakenly said "Who Are You?".
>Mr Clinton was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humour:
>"Well, I am Hilary's husband, ha ha..."
>Then Mori replied confidently "Me too, ha ha ha.."
>Then there was a long silent moment in the meeting room…..